EN |The democratization of the internet, mobile phones and social networks has allowed thousands of individuals discriminated against in their surrounding societies to have access to the formation of social bonds, the creation of digital communities and the discovery of their tribes that extend their local and global
#FeelTheGreenProject is a personal project that portrays beings that the author has had the pleasure of knowing through social networks and with whom he has formed relationships of affection and friendship.
ES |La democratización del internet, los móviles y las redes sociales le han permitido a miles de individuos discriminados en sus sociedades circundantes, tener acceso a la formación de lazos sociales, a la conformación de comunidades digitales y al hallazgo de tribus de pertenencia que se extienden local y globalmente.
#FeelTheGreenProject es un proyecto personal que retrata a seres que el autor ha tenido el placer de conocer a través del internet y las redes sociales, con los que ha formado relaciones de afecto y amistad.